Wednesday, April 15, 2009

relationships with omnis

This topic, vegan dating, can be as heated as religion and politics! Many raw foodists and vegans refuse to date meat eaters for various reasons...but the bottom line is that it's a personal choice, and whether or not your partner respects your lifestyle choice. There need not be any converting to the other side!

Some helpful things to consider when embarking on a new relationship with an omni include:

1. EDUCATE. Cover the bases on why you've embrased this lifesyle from the health benefits to animal compassion. When you convey with passion and excitement your reasons for being a raw foodist, you are letting your partner know that this lifestyle is important to you,...a part of who you are!

2. REASSURE. There needs to be a mutual respect between you and your partner that you respect their choices, and that you won't make it your primary objective for this relationship to covert them to a vegetarian or raw diet.

3. EXPLORE. Explore raw cuisine together. Enjoy shopping for raw ingredients, take a raw cooking class together, research raw recipes together, or take your significant other to a raw food restaurant. De-bunk the myths that we live off of just carrots....this lifestyle is enjoyable, exciting, and delicious.

So, there you have it,...YES IT CAN BE DONE!!! A raw foodist can have a happy, healthy, lifestyle-comprimise-free relationship with an omni (meat-eater). I'm in one, and it's great! Let's just put it this way, he's made me several raw recipes (including a raw apple pie!)!!!!
For more on this topic, here's a link to an interesting board discussion on this very topic:

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