Sunday, March 1, 2009

Zucchini Pasta...DELISH!

I've become quite skilled at julienning zucchini (with my cheap fancy grocery-store bought tool...but, a spiralizer is in my imminent future!), and have finally decided to explore some new raw pasta recipes! YUM!

I found a great raw pasta sauce recipe from my raw food bible " The Complete Book of RAW FOOD- Healthy, Delicious Vegetarian Cuisine made with Living Foods"(edited by Julie Rodwell). It's a great recipe! Try it and enjoy!

Julienned Zucchini

Tomato Sauce:
6 sun-dried tomatoes, soaked 2 hours
2 cups choped fresh tomoatoes
10 basil leaves
4 Medjool dates, soaked 2+ hours
pinch of paprika
1 red pepper

----> Blend all ingredients with a hand-held blender

To liven up this pasta dish, I thinly sliced carrots, zucchini and brocolli florets to add to my pasta. Overall, I was quite impressed with this recipe! My next attempt will hopefully involve zuchinni sliced by a spiralizer, and a yummy pesto sauce; perhaps with some nut loaf on the side!

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